How To Submit M10 Forms In Nairn
With every wedding comes the paperwork
Before you can be legally married you need to submit the notice of your marriage.
Submitting your M10 forms for your wedding, is a pretty important part of getting married, and it has to be right.
This needs to be done anywhere between 90 days before your wedding date and no later than 29 days before the ceremony.
They have to be accurate and include everything that the registrars require in order for them to draft your marriage schedule for the big day.
Each council has different ways of how to submit the M10 forms now, but they all require the same information.
My couples often ask me how you fill in the M10 forms and what they need to submit with the forms.
So I thought I’d write it all down for you; I’ve done the work finding out all the ins and outs and what goes where and when.
This blog is for submitting M10 forms to Nairn Registry office.
And where our wedding is being held defines where and how you submit the forms.
in every wedding theres joy and love – as well as the planning and paperwork.
What Paperwork Do You Need to Provide
Whilst the councils may differ on how you submit your M10 forms, its different between Aberdeen and Highland councils for instance. And is probably different in Edinburgh.
What does stay the same are the documents you need to submit to them all.
The below documents are needed for each person in the marriage, so collate these as you go along, so you have everything to submit when it’s time.
Your Birth Certificate
Proof of Address – for example, a bank statement that is no older than 3 months old an clearly shows your name and address.
Proof of Nationality – Your passport, or another document that provides evidence of your nationality.
Death Certificate/Divorce Certificate – if you or your partner were previously married and your partner passed away or you got divorced.
Dissolution Certificate – if you or your partner were previously in a civil partnership.
If you are not a British National, a certificate from your home country that states you are free to marry

Completing The M10 Forms
Now it’s time to complete the M10 forms.
Remember – one for each of you.
You’ll find the forms here.
There are instructions to help you when you click on the link.
You may be asked to complete the celebrant and witness form along with the M10 form on which you will find on the link above.
It tells the registry office who your witnesses are and asks for my details.
Submitting the M10 Forms
Once you have collated all the evidence and completed the forms, you need to then email them to Nairn Registry office at Nairn.registrars@highland.gov.uk
completed marriage or civil partnership notice forms
completed witness and celebrant information sheet
completed declaration of status (if required)
supporting documents (see above)
You then need to Submit your original M10’s with a wet signature and copies of the paperwork needed for the M10’s to Nairn Registry office.
But to be safe give them a call first to make sure they’ve received your email and then post them.
This is the address and contact number for the Nairn Registry office
The Court House
High Street
IV12 4AU
TEl: 01667 458570
And that’s your notice lodged

Whats the Cost?
When marriage or civil partnership notices are submitted, a statutory fee of £102 must be paid.
This £102 charge is broken down as follows:
Administration of two marriage or civil partnership notices – £90 (£45 per notice)
Production of a marriage or civil partnership certificate – £10
Postage of your marriage certificate to home address £2.00
What Happens Next?
Your Marriage Schedule
If you are having a celebrant perform your wedding ceremony, the Registry office will arrange a date for you to pick up your marriage schedule.
This is normally the week of your wedding date and has to be picked up by at least one of the couple getting married, not by a nominated person.
And you have 3 days to submit the signed schedule back to them after your wedding day.
And if you’re rushing off on honeymoon this can be done by a nominated person.
I know when couples first look into how to submit their M10 forms and what documentation they need, it can be quite confusing.
Hopefully, by breaking it down like this it doesn’t look so scary now.
But Registry offices can often change the way they want you to submit your M10 forms, so always check out this link for any changes before you submit the M10 forms, or give them a call to verify everything.
And I’m here to help you every step of the way, so drop me a DM if you’re stuck with something on your M10 forms.

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