sand blending ritual with the celebrant angel aberdeen humanist wedding celebrant aberdeen

Sand Blending Ritual

Creating Lasting Connections: Embrace the Beauty of Sand Blending in Your Ceremony

Sand blending is a symbolic ritual, used in celebrant led ceremonies.

A mini ceremony if you like, that can be used in wedding or family ceremonies centred around two becoming one, uniting both couples or families.

A super simple symbolic ritual, but a significant one.

A ritual that family and friends can participate in too.

Sand Blending is an adorable one for couples with children to do.

And what child doesn’t like a bit of sand!

Or if you’d prefer, you could get other members of your extended family involved, symbolising the two families coming together. 

The participants blend different coloured sands into one vessel. A different colour for each person.

Blending the sands together means the sands cannot be unblended ever again.

Thus showing the coming together of the individuals; they become inseparable.

Sand Blending is a beautifully simple ritual that can be incredibly moving.

joining two people together in marriage by the blending of two coloured sands.

How A Sand Blending Ritual Works

The celebrant will introduce the sand blending ritual to your family and friends by telling them a little bit about the sand blending and why you have chosen to use the ritual.

Each person taking part in the ritual is asked to join the couple and given a vase of coloured sand each.

The first person in the wedding party starts by pouring their sand into the vessel chosen to hold the blended sands.

The second person in the wedding party then pours their sand into the vessel creating a different colour on top.

If there are any family or friends taking part in the sand blending, they would all then pour their sand into the vessel individually.

If it’s only the couple taking part in the sand blending, it’s nice to add a 3rd layer of sand that they have chosen together to represent them as a couple.

Doing the sand blending ritual as above will give you lovely layers of colour.

But if you want to be that bit different once the couple has poured their sand into the vessel, all the other participants could pour their sand in together, creating a lot of colours but not necessarily layers.

You would need a sizeable necked vessel to facilitate doing it that way

sand blending ritual with the celebrant angel aberdeen humanist weddings aberdeen

When Does A Sand Blending Happen

As with all our symbolic rituals, the sand blending can be placed into your ceremony at any point you think appropriate.

This is your ceremony, your way, so anything goes.

A celebrant will build it into your ceremony in a suitable spot.

Many couples choose to include the sand blending ceremony following the ring exchange and their vows.

Some couples or families even choose to do this ritual during their reception.

What Do You Need For A Sand Blending Ritual

You can choose the colours of the sand to blend in with your wedding theme, or colours that have special meaning to you as a couple.

Below are the necessary items you will need for a Sand blending

A different colour of sand for each person participating in the ceremony. How much depends on the vessel’s size to pour the sand into, but roughly a pound (lb) of sand per person.

Pouring tube or vase for each person, filled with their colour of sand. Make sure that the opening allows the sand to flow freely.

A larger vessel to pour all the sand you are using into. You will see this vessel every day, so go for something pretty or unusual perhaps.

You want it to be big enough to hold the sand but not so big that there is a lot of empty space left in it after your ceremony.

Something to transport your sand vessel home after your ceremony. Bubble wrap is an excellent option to fill the empty space and hold the sand down. Cover the top with cling film held in place with some tape and set in a box where it won’t move.

Where Can I Buy Sand Blending Kits

There are lots of places to buy sand ceremony kits like Amazon and Etsy.

There are many ways to personalise your sand ceremony on these sites, like adding your names and wedding date to the vessel holding the blended sands.

Another option for your sand might be to choose sand from your favourite beaches.

But they would need to be different coloured sand so you can see the layers. I didn’t know there was such a difference until I checked recently.

A Celebrant will have vows in her vow stash that you could choose to say during the sand ceremony, or perhaps a reading by a family member would make it memorable.

sand blending ritual with the celebrant angel aberdeen humanist weddings aberdeen

As you can see, having a Sand Blending Ritual gives you so many options to make it personal to you to your ceremony; it can be so much fun.

And a lovely way to include family and friends

If you would like to know more about including a Sand Blending in your ceremony, then please get in touch.

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