What To Expect At A Wedding Fayre
Be ready for every sensation to be alive
Hello newly engaged couples
I take it if you’re here reading this, you’re in the process of planning a wedding, congratulations!
Today I’m going to take you through what to expect from a wedding fayre, I’m pretty sure you’ll be attending one of them before your wedding day, it’s like Santa’s grotto for couples.
You are about to enter a one-stop shop for all things weddings. Everything from wedding dresses to venues, vendors, stationery, and flowers, whatever you need for a wedding you’ll find it at a wedding exhibition.
You’ll get to see some extravagant displays that will take your breath away, wedding fayres are something else.
There are so many people to meet, so much to see, touch and taste that you’ll need a nap after attending the wedding exhibition.
And don’t forget your note book or your phone set up for QR codes, as you’ll honestly not remember everyone you meet on the day.
In this blog, we’ll take you on a whimsical adventure through the wonderful and wacky world of wedding fayres, sprinkled with some practical tips.
So, fasten your seatbelts and get ready to dive into the madness of a wedding fair!
Magical places where dreams meet reality
Know what your budget is first
The first part of anyone’s wedding planning should be setting or knowing your budget and you’ll probably need to know what that is before you head to a wedding fayre.
If you’ve not set your budget yet, I wouldn’t commit to anything at a wedding fayre apart from the important bits, like your photographer, venue and celebrant.
There are some tips here about how to set your budget.
Take the rest home and work out whats really important for you to have on your day.
Go armed with a plan
Wedding fayres are like a treasure hunt—except the treasure is finding your dream wedding vendors and maybe some cake samples.
Before you go, make a list of what you’re looking for: a photographer, a florist, a celebrant (hello, that’s me!), or maybe just an idea of what’s out there.
And for the love of confetti, wear comfy shoes.
These fayres can be massive, and you don’t want to be hobbling around halfway through like you’ve just run a marathon in stilettos.
You’ll be handed brochures, business cards, and possibly the occasional branded pen.
Take a bag to stash it all, but don’t overload yourself.
And while you’re at it, have a notebook or your phone ready to jot down any standout vendors or ideas you don’t want to forget.
Trust me, it’ll all blur together by the end so making notes as you go is a great idea.

Stay focused, but leave room for surprises
You might go to the wedding fayres thinking you’re just there for ideas about flowers, only to stumble across a llama hire service (yes, they do exist) that you suddenly can’t imagine your wedding without.
Wedding fairs are full of inspiration, so keep an open mind, but also try not to get distracted by every shiny thing you see at the wedding fayres.

Take breaks (and snacks)
Wedding fayres can be overwhelming, especially if you’ve been walking around for hours.
Schedule a break, grab a coffee, and take a moment to process everything.
And if cake samples haven’t filled you up, pack a snack.
Nobody plans a wedding well on an empty stomach.

Taking anyone with you?
Decide who you’re taking along to the wedding fayre with you.
Is it just you and your partner? Or does mum want to play a part in planning the wedding. (There are lots of ways to include your mum in your ceremony to)
Or do you want to do it on your own.
Whoever it is, make sure they’re up for the challenge and won’t wander off mid-conversation with a vendor.
They are about to find out how much effort actually goes into planning a wedding.
Ask questions
Don’t be shy!
Vendors are there to help and (bonus!) they usually love talking about their work.
Ask them about availability, pricing, and what makes their service special.
If you’re speaking to a celebrant (ahem, me again), ask about how they work with you and how they create a ceremony that’s personal to you.
All the wedding vendors love a good natter, and it’s the perfect chance to see if you click with someone.

Follow up
After the wedding fayres, sit down and go through all the brochures, cards, and notes you’ve collected.
Highlight your top picks and get in touch with them quickly—popular vendors can book up fast!
Wedding Fairs Aberdeen/Shire 2025
Here are some wedding fayres in and around Aberdeen and the shire for January 2025
Norwood Hall – 12th January 2025
Your Wedding Exhibition – 18th/19th January 2025
Wedding fairs are like a wedding planning buffet: a little overwhelming, a lot exciting, and entirely worth it when you walk away with ideas and connections that make your wedding day truly yours.
Go in prepared, have a laugh, and enjoy the ride.
And if you’re looking for a celebrant who’s big on personality and even bigger on making your ceremony unforgettable—well, you know where to find me.

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