What type of bride are you?
And did you know there are a few different types of brides
I was reading an article this week about different types of brides and I found me on there 😊
I’ll tell you later which one I would be.
So I thought we’d find out what kind of brides we have on here.
As we know every single person on this planet is different, that’s what makes us unique.
And we all deal with things differently.
So what kind of bride are you?
no matter what type of bride you are, it should be fun
Are you a perfectionist bride?
Like everything in life, we all have our own perception of perfect don’t.
If you’re a perfectionist, you’ll have spreadsheets for spreadsheets to ensure your day runs smoothly. Everything will be recorded, including who’s doing what, what you’ve booked, what you’ve paid, etc.
A perfectionist doesn’t often have a wedding planner unless for the day, perhaps.
Planning a wedding is a perfectionist’s dream, but remember you need to enjoy the day and the planning too.
A wedding isn’t all about the details, remember simple can be lovely.
A wedding day is about the love in your hearts, being real and knowing when enough is enough, and that sounds pretty perfect to me.
What was your has to be perfect on your wedding day, if you’re already married?
Or what do you want to be absolutely perfect if you’re in the planning stage?
The worry wart bride
This would be me, one part of me anyway.
I’d have plans in place for those already in place in case anything went wrong.
Are you the type of person that will have considered every single thing that could go wrong and put plans in place to avoid that?
I think these worries are all part of the wedding jitters, you want it to be perfect and everything in its place.
But let me tell you, from experience, the things you think might go wrong are never the ones to go wrong, so all that time you’ve spent putting plans in place might be a total waste of your energy.
Nothing wrong with having some back up plans in place, but don’t stress about covering every single thing with a plan B, you’ll not enjoy the wedding day if you don’t.
But ask yourself whats the worst that could happen, what if it does happen, will it matter tomorrow or the week after, or even the year after.
A good way to deal with any worries you have for your wedding day might be to set aside a half hour every evening or weekend, chat through your worries with your partner, your celebrant, or wedding planner.
Get another view on that worry and see if your worrying about nothing, then you can let it go.
I’m a big advocate for Rescue Remedy and The Bach Remedies, and there’s a remedy to help with everything.
In fact I always have a bottle of Rescue Remedy on me, so I’ve got your worries on the day covered.
The people pleaser bride
I know how much we want to create a wedding day that everyone will love, from you to your parents, to you long-lost cousins.
But this special day is YOUR day, yours and your partners.
So whilst you may have to listen to others input on your venue, style, dress etc, you don’t have to take onboard those suggestions.
You don’t even have to get yourself stressed about saying no thanks.
Listen, take on board anything that you think is relevant and let the rest go.
Just do what you want, plan your day your way with whatever you want in or at it.
The focused bride
All your life, you’ve dreamed of your wedding day.
What the outfit will look like, the colour scheme, the venue and the cake.
And you’ve probably got a Pinterest board of exactly what you want and how you want it to all pan out. (What did we do before Pinterest that’s a topic for another day)
A focused couple will probably have their wedding day organised, done and dusted in about a week 😊
Is that you?
How long did it take you to find the dress, book the venue and confirm the celebrant?
Or were you a ditherer (so many choices you don’t know what to pick), I think there might be a bit of me in the ditherer, although I am known for making fast decisions.
Being focused is good and will make decisions easier for you.
It’s important to make the right decisions, and once you’ve made a decision, say for instance, your venue, then let that go.
Don’t hum and ha about did I make the right decision; your gut will tell you if it’s the right venue (or florist, or band) for you.
And I always go with my gut.
Did you find yourself on that list of kinds of brides? What was it?
Everyone has their own ways of working, and neither way is a bad way. It’s what you need to do to get your wedding day right that counts.
And you might find your flit between one kind of bride and another as you plan your wedding ceremony.
No matter what way you plan your wedding the most important thing is that you enjoy it.
It goes by in a flash after all those months of planning so make sure you enjoy it
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